BPS Assessment Hub
Log in or Sign up to access our latest eLearning and assessment materials, written for prescribers by prescribers.
If you’d like to view our freely available resources, you can sign up for an account. Please be sure to use a personal email address if you know your school is participating in the Prescribing Skills Assessment.
Taking the Prescribing Skills Assessment with your school?
Wait to receive your registration email from BPS Assessment before taking action. Once you have got your email, follow the link, and set a password. Then simply login with your credentials.
Not received your registration email?
Check your junk folder first. You can easily resend your registration email to yourself using the ‘Resend Registration Email’ link found on the login form.
UK Candidates can sign up to access PSA Prep, our eLearning sessions written to aid anyone taking the Prescribing Safety Assessment.
Australian and New Zealand Candidates can login to access their Prescribing Skills Assessment exam and practice papers.